Hand Hygiene & Asepsis
Hand hygiene, surgical preparation and asepsis
We take hand hygiene and asepsis incredibly seriously here at Ridge Referrals. Any patient that has surgery is prepared for surgery according to strict guidelines just as you or I would should we have to go into hospital for surgery.
Patient Preparation
Patients will have hair clipped from the region to be operated and the skin surface will be cleaned first in the preparation area. Once transferred to theatre the surgical site is re prepared aseptically including the use of “Chloraprep” a single use specific surgical site product used in people.
The area of surgery would then be widely draped and after surgery a sterile dressing applied.
Surgeon Preparation
Surgeon preparation is equally important and we have invested heavily in the use of Sterillium and dedicated surgeon prep solution that has been shown to be the most effective way of aseptically preparing for surgery. In every case we follow absolute rules on theatre wear, gowning and gloving and aseptic theatre practice as you would expect.
We are proud of the efforts we go to, to minimise the risks of infection transmission and aseptic preparation and we would be delighted to talk to you about any concerns you may have.